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Our Sunday Best (Part IV)

We conclude this series with some practical considerations for parents with young children. The most essential thing you can do is to simply bring your children to church to get them familiar and comfortable with being in the presence of God. Certainly, there are many excuses we as parents can make for keeping our kids away, such as, “I don’t want my children to bother others”, “my children are too young to understand what is going on”, or “all they want to do is walk around; I’ll bring them when they get a little older”.  In the end, however, there is almost no excuse (save perhaps sickness) that is justifiable for keeping your children away from church. Bring your children and let God open their hearts to Him.

Very small children can be allowed some latitude in their movements (though they should not wander around aimlessly), but parents should set some very specific boundaries—perhaps keeping them at an arms length or two so that these boundaries can be enforced. Without a doubt this will be tested (many times) and each time our child wanders we must bring him back. Consistency is essential here.

Next, try sitting as close to the front as possible (if you arrive late this may not be possible). When our daughter Hannah began walking and talking it became obvious that she wanted to see what was happening. It became quite difficult to explain and show her from behind a forest of people. Being in the front of the church was uncomfortable at first for us but we got used to it and so did our children. (Think of it from a child’s perspective: how would you like it if all you saw were people’s legs and back? That would get boring real fast!)

Parents may find it is necessary at times to leave the church to give their children a break for a while. If this happens, do not feel embarrassed, but simply carry your child or hold his hand as you leave. Always keep the break to a minimum and use it to refocus and “refresh” your child—and not as a “recess” time (kids are smart: they will quickly figure out that by misbehaving they will go to the back of the church or downstairs for some “fun”).

While you are removed from the service, talk with your child and let him know that it is important for him and you to return to the church as soon as possible. Explain what is happening in age appro-priate language and set their expectations as to what’s going to happen next

For example, when it is time for the gospel tell your child it is now Jesus’ “story” time and we have to listen carefully to what He said. During the Great Entrance, explain that the gifts of bread and wine (under the fancy covers) are being brought to the altar table to be consecrated by God for our food.

As a final point, a few words should be said about our dress—adults and children alike.  Though God does not demand us to “dress up” for Him, the fact is, as followers of Christ in all areas of our life, we should offer Christ our “best” and not just our “leftovers” (e.g., Cain and Abel). Our dress should always, especially at church, be becoming of a Christian. We should dress modestly, not in a flashy way that brings attention to ourselves. We should dress with respect for God, for others, and for ourselves.

I offer this to you for your personal reflection, and not to be a means to judge others. Hopefully, we all will wear our “Sunday best” every day!


Extra Scoops: September 2011

Now is the Time

We resume Sunday School on September 11. All students and parents are asked to be in attendance on that day as we will begin the year with special prayers for the beginning of instruction immediately following the Divine Liturgy.

Everyone Say “Cheese!”

After the Divine Liturgy on September 25 the Sunday School will take our annual group picture. Every student’s smile is needed!

Feasting Opportunities

This month the Church celebrates two (2) major feasts. On September 8, we commemorate the Nativity of the Theotokos followed by the Elevation of the Cross on September 14 (which in addition to being a “feast” is also a Strict Fast day). It is understood that these days are school days but state law allows for absence for religious holidays (an signed excuse form is available in the nave of the church). If attendance at the Liturgy is not possible, plan to attend Vespers as a family on the eve of the feast (September 7 and 13, respectively, at 7 p.m.). 

Our Sunday Best (Part I)

Women process around Holy Trinity during the funeral vigil service on Holy Friday evening (Lamentations at the Tomb/Matins of Holy Saturday).

by Deacon Mark Oleynik

For many there is a well known phrase, “wear your Sunday best” that when uttered one knows exactly what is expected. This phrase, mostly from bygone years, refers to putting on your very best clothes when going to worship on Sunday.

And there was a time when many people had only one “very best” set of clothes so if a function called for the most proper of attire—be it going to church, attending a wedding, or baptism, or funeral or even a dance or dinner—they knew what to do. It was understood that wearing your “Sunday best” meant that the function you were attending was of the utmost importance.

Parents often struggle within themselves and with their children regarding the Church and being in church. (What parent has not experienced the heartbreak and frustration of preparing and taking their children to church only to find themselves spending almost the entire service in the fellowship hall or outdoors cooling theirs heels?)

At the infant age it is a concern about the baby crying or fussing; at the toddler and elementary age it is about their “wandering” around in the church. As the child grows older it becomes more about making sure they understand the Church (and its relevance to their lives) and then eventually it becomes a “hopefulness” that all of the formative work has sunk into their heart, mind and soul. As every parent knows, this life-long process is no easy task and it becomes even more difficult without the love and support of family, friends, and the entire Church.

As part of a “Sunday School Scoop” series running in the Trisagion over the next few months, the notion of putting on our “Sunday best” will be examined from a practical perspective. We will come to discover that this should not be only about the clothes we wear but rather of how us parents (and all of us) can begin to prepare ourselves and our children to be at our “Sunday best” each and every time we come to the Lord’s Table.

Put more simply, we are expected to wear our “Sunday best” everyday. The choices we make have their roots at home and reflect the prophet Joshua’s words, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

Extra Scoops: July 2011

Goal Setting

Have you set and achieved any of your summer goals? It’s still not too late to study a book of the Bible, perform a charity project or do something special for the needy, memorize an entire Psalm (or a couple), or attend a full cycle of services for an entire week or two.

A Few Good Men and Women

We are blessed to have a growing Sunday School. In order to accommodate this, we also need a growing staff. Last year we introduced a new class level (a separate class for grades 2-5). If possible, we would like to add one more class to allow for more focused instruction in the elementary grades. For each class, we really need to have at least two teachers to share the responsibility and workload, provide coverage when one teacher is away, and promote creativity and synergy among the teams. If you would like to be part of the Church School staff and grow your faith, please see Deacon Mark. Our first teachers’ meeting of the school year will be on Saturday, August 27, at 5 p.m.

Back to School

Our first day is September 11. We will start the year with special prayers for all of our students and teachers for the beginning of instruction. Parents of returning students will receive information by e-mail; new students can be registered beginning August 21 following the Divine Liturgy.


Take a Little Honey With You

by Dn. Mark Oleynik

The words “take…a little honey” were spoken by Jacob when he instructed his sons to go and buy more grain from the Egyptian government (Gen. 43:11). One of his sons, Judah, reminded him that the prime minister (actually Joseph, Jacob’s own son) had solemnly warned the brothers on their last visit, “You shall not see my face, unless your brother is with you” (Gen. 43:5). Jacob reluctantly agreed, and then suggested improving “public relations” with the powerful Egyptian prime minister by taking him presents. In addition to choice fruits, Jacob also instructed them to take some honey.

Of course, Jacob meant the delicious product produced by honeybees. Now it stands for using a pleasing approach, a sincere compliment. So often we are grim with the corners of our mouth turned down—worried and concerned about the next thing, whatever it may be. But there are wondrous things a smile, an appreciative word, or an en-couraging message can accomplish.

For all of us, there is power in our manner and words. What is the power? It is the right glance, the right touch, the right word. Things like these make us joyful. It is a wonder why they are some-times forgotten.

As parents, spouses, and friends we are to see the image of Christ in everyone we encounter. Take some honey with you when your child doesn’t clean his room as you wish, or when your spouse is running late, or when you see a friend struggling, or when a child misbehaves but perhaps is just acting her age. By doing so, we can approach a situation with a proper attitude and frame of mind—to make it better, to make it sweeter.

Jesus must have been the best of company. The people loved having Him at weddings, and the children ran to Him and climbed on His knees. He took the little children into His arms. He said encouraging words, whenever He could. He was certainly the Sweetness of life.

So in all your encounters with your children and others, take a little honey with you.

Extra Scoops: Strengthen Your Summer Family Devotions

  • School ends this month for our local districts and the daily family routine will transition into a summer cycle.  Although the pace may be different, regular prayer, bible reading, and attendance at Church services should remain constant. 
  • Setting and achieving a goal is always a thrill for kids (for parents, too).  Why not set a goal with your child and work on it together over the summer months?  Some suggestions include memorizing an entire Psalm (or a couple), have a bible study of one of the books of the Bible, do a charity service project in our community, plan to attend a full cycle of services for an entire week or two (daily vespers, Saturday vespers, Sunday matins, etc.).
  • The Sunday School can always use extra hands and support in the classroom, special activities, projects, group outings, etc.  See Deacon Mark to see where your talents can be used in the coming year.

Vacation Bible School: Got Fruit?

Theme: “I’ve Got the Fruit of the Spirit in Me!”
Dates/Times: June 13-17, 2011 — 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.*
Location: Holy Trinity Orthodox Church — 119 S. Sparks St., State College, PA
* Monday’s VBS begins immediately after the 8 a.m. Holy Spirit Day Divine Liturgy.
(Registration closed)

Relationship building, teamwork, and fun are hallmarks of Holy Trinity's annual Vacation Bible School.

This month our Sunday School will host its annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) and Afterfeast of Pentecost (Trinity Week) our theme this year is “I’ve Got the Fruit of the Spirit in Me.” The instruction will focus on the fruits of the Spirit as described by St. Paul in his epistle to the Galatians (5:22-23). Although VBS is for children, it also is a time of learning and sharing for parents (yes, parents, there may be homework for you.)

Throughout the Bible, there are references to many types of trees such as almond, apple, cedar, chestnut, fig, olive, palm, pine, and willow. In his letter, Paul presents the Spirit in the symbolism of a fruit tree. He does this so with the psalmist in mind where it is said that man is like a tree (Psalm 1) and also Jesus’ statement that men are like good trees and bad trees (Matt. 7:16-20). The illustration is used to help us understand the nature and function of the Holy Spirit.

Children of all ages will join together this June to learn about the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

In today’s world, we sometimes for purposes of décor place artificial plants, greens, etc., here and there for the best total effect. In the same way, when we survey our spiritual houses and discover something is lacking, we go out and fill the gaps by putting out our “artificial” trees, becoming which we are not or should not be. We do this hoping to improve our appearance and gratify our own longing to look better.

In other words, we try to substitute our own dry arrangements for the living fruit tree of the Holy Spirit! However, we do not have to play such a game of make-believe. When the tree of the Spirit thrives within us, we can point to both the tree and its fruit and say, “this is the real thing.”

The fruits that Paul speaks of are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentle-ness, and self-control. These are lovely and such fruit is produced by the Holy Spirit but trees can and do die. This is not to suggest that the life of the eternal Spirit is in danger. It is to remind us that the tree of the Spirit has enemies. So far as we are concerned, the diseases are jealousy, lack of forgiveness, indifference, worldliness, and a score of other sins which can make their attack so that the result is the same: the tree is not permitted to flourish and bear fruit.

VBS is offered free of charge as a service to the State College community. All children aged 4-14 are welcome. Register now!

It is no accident that the fifth chapter of Galatians begins, “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (5:1). Thus, there is the liberating fruit of the Spirit. Love begets freedom from hate. Joy brings freedom from gloom. Peace displaces conflict. Goodness triumphs over evil. Faith brings freedom from confusion. Gentleness delivers from arrogance. Self-control liberates us from excesses.

From a practical perspective, in order to harvest the right fruits, there must be the right roots. Parents must make sure the right tree is planted.  And to insure spiritual health, the tree must be given daily attention and nourishment to have a ready response to the Spirit. Remember the words of our Lord: “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples” (John 15:8). Let us all gladly let the tree of the Holy Spirit bear fruit through us.


Extra Scoops: May 2011

Vacation Bible School Update

Following the Divine Liturgy (Day of the Holy Spirit) on June 13, we will begin our annual weeklong VBS for children ages 3-14. Our theme this year is “Fruits of the Spirit” and it will take place in the midst of Trinity Week (the week following Pentecost). The success of our VBS is dependent on staff of volunteers (hint to parents and teens!). Information will be sent to all parents and will posted on the Web and Parish Hall bulletin board. See Dn. Mark with any questions.

“When God Created Teachers”

When God created teachers,
He gave us special friends
To help us understand His world
And truly comprehend
The beauty and the wonder
Of everything we see,
And become a better person
With each discovery.

When God created teachers,
He gave us special guides
To show us ways in which to grow
So we can all decide
How to live and how to do
What’s right instead of wrong,
To lead us so that we can lead
And learn how to be strong.

Why God created teachers,
In His wisdom and His grace,
Was to help us learn to make our world

A better, wiser place.

It’s a Wrap!

by Dn. Mark Oleynik

Sunday School students pose after presenting a play to the parish that dramatically retold the story of Christ's Nativity.

On Sunday May 22, our Sunday School will conclude the school year. As always the primary objective was to provide weekly instruction on the faith, teachings, and traditions of the Church. In some of the classrooms this was accomplished through the reading and discussion of various Bible stories and festal events while in the other classes there was deeper review of Church practices and discussion of how Orthodox Christians can profess their faith in words and deeds.

Of course, the students were kept busy with an array of extracurricular activities including such things as creating processional banners, attendance at the winter retreat at the Antiochian Village, presenting a Christmas play, hosting the SOUP-er Sunday Charity Luncheon, sled riding at Slab Cabin Park, an icon procession, the Pascha Preparation Workshop on Lazarus Saturday, and an Easter Egg Hunt!

Many thanks to the teachers for their offerings of time and talent, and to the parents and students for their thirst for the Word of God. (In case you are wondering, Sunday School resumes on September 11, 2011.)


Thank You, Chocolate Lovers

Thank you to those who supported the Gertrude Hawks fundraiser for Sunday School special projects and field trips. Almost $1,300 in purchases and donations netted nearly $700 to the program.


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