VBS 2013 Daily News: Friday

“And Run and Run and Run and Run and Run”
VBS kids ask the Lord to help them to hold on until they get their crowns!

IMG_3595State College, PA – On the longest day of the year, Holy Trinity’s Vacation Bible School concluded with the students more keenly aware that their Christian race may also be long and it must be run every day and with every decision. Today’s learning objective was that each person is given a gift – it is our responsibilitly to use that gift to the glory of God.

To kick off the final day and in the Olympic-like fashion, students carried a torch in relay in the neighborhood to the surprise of local residents. However, unlike the ancient Olympic fire which commemorated the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus, the VBS kids were encouraged to be torchbearers for Christ while they run their race.

What’s in the Book?


“I fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is on store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day— and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearing.”  (II Timothy 4:7-8)

Paul is at the end of his life looking back. In doing so, he realizes that Christianity is a struggle, but he has fought well. He realizes that Christianity is a race, but he ran to the finish. He didn’t give up along the way. He realizes that Christianity is a life of faith—faith that he kept. He didn’t lose his trust in God. Finally, he realizes that he will be rewarded for the way he lived his life.

  • Christianity is a struggle, but I must fight.
  • Christianity is a race, and I must keep running.
  • Christianity is a life of faith, and I must trust God.
  • In doing these things, God will reward me.

The greatest reward is what someone becomes through the effort. The greatest reward is becoming all God created someone to be in his/her relationship with Him.

IMG_3594Thoughts to Keep You Running!

  • “Only one person and one person only will determine how good of a runner you become. You will become as good as you let yourself be. That one person is you.”
  • “Running – it isn’t easy but it’s worth it.”
  • “There will come a point in the race, when you alone will need to decide. You will need to make a choice. DO YOU REALLY WANT IT. You will need to decide.
  • “We are designed to run, and we increase our chance of daily happiness when we do so.”
  • “Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still.”
  • “There’s no better day to start running than TODAY.”
  • “It’s not about how fast you run but where you’re going.”
  • “Endurance is patience concentrated.”
  • “If you’re too busy to run, then you’re too busy.”
  • “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
  • “If the word quit is part of your vocabulary, then the word finish is likely not.”
  • “Never stop running.”
  • “Running sets me free.”
  • “Every day is a new chance to run.”
  • “Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’ The answer is usually: ‘Yes’.”
  • “Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”
  • “Now… Just run.”


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