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Living Without Hypocrisy Spiritual Counsels of the Holy Elders of Optina

Author(s):   Optina Elders
Publisher:   Printshop of St. Job of Pochaev (2005)
Format:   Hardcover
Copies:   1 copy available
Product Info:   Book Review

This collection of sayings from the Holy Elders of Optina Monastery is newly translated by Archimandrite George of Holy Trinity Monastery. These brief and powerful instructions on the spiritual life are comparable to the sayings of the Desert Fathers, whose spirit and way of life the Optina Elders truly shared. The book provides an excellent source of spiritual nourishment for Orthodox Christians of all walks of life and all levels of spiritual experience. It may also serve as a powerful introduction to Orthodox spirituality for those who have but newly encountered the fullness of the Apostolic Faith.

Topics Include:

Spiritual Warfare
The Will of God
Remembrance of Death
The Education of Children
and numerous others...

"We must unhypocritcally live, And to all an example give. Then will our work be sure; Otherwise it will turn out poor." — St. Ambrose of Optina
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