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History of the Church: From the Day of Pentecost Until the Council of Chalcedon AD 29~AD 451

Author(s):   John Mason Neale
Publisher:   Paidea Classics (2004)
Format:   Paperback
Copies:   1 copy available
Product Info:   Finally! Church History Presented in an easily understandable \'Living Book\' form appropriate for young people ages 8 & up!

John Mason Neale beautifully captures the struggle of the early Church: from her humble beginnings in Jerusalem, through her rapid spread throughout the ancient world as the Apostles scattered far and wide to proclaim the Word of God, to her challenges of preserving the Faith in spite of the many temptations that flooded the Church after its legalization. Included in this volume are stories of some of her greatest saints, - Martyrs glorifying God under intense persecution, and Defenders of the Faith fighting for Truth against a wide assortment of heretical teachings. Using an immensely engaging style of narration, ths work is truly a classic, offering great historical detail in a story form that captures both the mind and heart of a child.This edition includes many added illustrations, biblical, patristic and historical references, as well as an extensive appendix, increasing its educational value for readers of all ages.From a Chalcedon Orthodox Christian point-of-view.


Length: 105 pages
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