A benefit bicycle ride for Devon (Africa) Jacobs–a member of our parish’s extended family suffering from leukemia (AML)–will take place on Saturday, May 18. Cyclists will begin and end at the Meadow Grove Road Sportsman’s Club in Newport, PA, traveling a total of 13 miles alongside the picturesque Juniata River. The pace has been described as “leisurely” with plenty of stops. A picnic will also take place after the ride.
All funds will help defray Devon’s mounting personal, household and travel expenses, all stemming from her not being able to work since relapsing earlier this year. With conventional treatment forms exhausted, including extensive chemotherapy, her most likely final treatment phase will be a stem cell transplant through a promising National Clinical Trial at City of Hope Hospital in California.
Both riders and sponsors are being sought. Checks can be made payable director to Devon C. Jabobs and mailed to Jay & Adam Jacobs, 405 Meadow Grove Road, in Newport, PA (17074). For more information, please contact info@holytrinity-oca.org.