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Merely preserving apostolic teachings is not sufficient to be the Church; our foundation of Faith is solid only if it is put into action. We aspire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ by carrying out His commission through apostleship and by ministering to the least of His brethren.
- Prison Ministry is working to provide regular worship and educational experiences for those who are imprisoned in Rockview State Prison.
- Matthew 25 reaches out and helps disadvantaged persons outside our parish according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew, which reminds us to minister to the hungry, naked, homeless, and imprisoned. Parish-wide drives occur during Lent, September, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Ministries at Holy Trinity will also plan individual events to support the efforts of Matthew 25. Ministry News
Christian Education
Deepen your knowledge of Orthodoxy and spiritually grow through some of the opportunities we provide for mutual support and edification. We believe in the importance of discipleship and offer several ways for you to learn more about Christ and His Church.
- The Parish Bookstore offers books, icons, CDs, and more as a source of edification for the faithful of Holy Trinity and is a helpful resource for those in the community who wish to learn more about the Orthodox Faith. Ministry News Visit the Bookstore Homepage Open after the Divine Liturgy on Sundays, and by appointment.
- The Lending Library is located upstairs in the Trinity House. Additional books are available through a cooperative exchange of books that parishioners own – these are all listed in our online catalogue. Books are loaned out for six weeks at a time and can be renewed up to three times. View the Current Catalog
- Orthodoxy 101 is perfect for all inquirers of the Orthodox Faith: its history, doctrine, and worship. Classes meet every Fall (Sept- Nov) for 9 weeks on Wednesdays at 7pm (no need to sign up, just come); church tours and one-on-one introductions to Orthodoxy are also available by appointment. Please click here for the full list of topics and schedule to learn more.
- Orthodoxy 2.0 is designed for catechumens who are preparing to be received into the Church at Pascha. Classes are based upon the catechetical lectures of St. Cyril of Jerusalem. Ministry News Classes begin each Lent and continue through Bright Friday.
- Sunday School is a comprehensive five-tier education program for children in grades K-12. Ministry NewsSundays, 9 a.m. (September through May), in Trinity House and the Nursery (all classes begin in the Parish Hall).
In the Book of Acts (2:42), early Christians devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship (koinonia, or “common life”). Among the groups that regularly meet for Christian fellowship at Holy Trinity are:
- The Parish Youth Group: Holy Trinity hosts a youth group for kids graded 6th-12th to come together and build orthodox friendships! The youth participate in games, Christian education, and periodical service projects for our community. Meetings are hosted on the church property, on the second and fourth Friday evenings of each month. If you are interested in joining, getting involved, or learning more, don’t hesitate to contact our youth group coordinator Abby Swisher. She can be reached via text/call at 814-769-9351, or email her at aaswisher905@gmail.com.
- The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) strives to foster a strong, lifelong commitment to Christ among students through a supportive community that witnesses the Gospel to the campus. Ministry NewsThursdays, 7 p.m., for Dinner and Discussion, at 124 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center on campus.
Several groups help lead the congregation in worship, including: Altar Servers (for boys ages 8 and up), Altar Society (decorates the church on Feast Days), Cantors/Readers (chants parts of services), and the Choir (for all members, including catechumens, ages seventh grade and up).
Holy Trinity members can also put their Faith into action by supporting parish operations and witness the love of Christ to our parishioners and visitors alike. Examples of possible service include:
- The Parish Council assists the Rector in the administration of the parish. Second Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., in the Parish Hall.
- Coffee Hour builds up our community by supplying refreshments after the Divine Liturgy on Sundays.Ministry News
- Holy Trinity partners with Uber to offer Rides to Church for students and others before every Sunday Divine Liturgy. Email rides@holytrinity-oca.org for more information or to submit your taxi fare for reimbursement.
- TLC (Tender Loving Care) offers meals to mothers with newborns and those recovering from illness.Ministry News