A Best-Ever Pascha!
We had simply a joyous Pascha, with attendance records being set more than once: Palm Sunday (181), Holy Friday Vespers (148), and Pascha (226, a high for a coinciding Western Easter)—it was truly the Feast of Feasts. Significant as well was the Lenten offering for Syrian refugee relief, which totaled nearly $2,400. IOCC was able to match every dollar given for the massive humanitarian effort there with nine more, effectively making our donations worth $24,000!
Also From Father’s Desk…
Special Parish Assembly. Do take the time to read the Chapel building financing proposal and plan to attend this important voter’s meeting on May 18. It is one special way for each and every member to help build up the Church. And remember, we’ll need a quorum of two-thirds parish membership in order to conduct business. Balloting will begin immediately at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy at both locations.
By the way, 62 folks attended Mission Vespers, hosted by the Chapel in the Beaver Springs Fire Hall on March 30. Hats off to the Chapel for the fine job they did in preparation.
Green Vestments. For years we’ve “struggled” through our temple feast of Pentecost with mismatched vestments: old gold on the altar boys and a varied array of colors for the clergy, but few in the traditional green. However, this Pentecost will be different. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of a new set of green vestments for clergy and altar servers, just in time for Archbishop Melchisedek’s official visit. The total price is about $2,000 for 12 altar boy stichars, two deacon sets, and a priest set. This is a great deal! Special offering envelopes are available in the narthex for you to contribute to offset the cost, if you wish.
Choir Internship. We’ve really enjoyed Zach Mandell’s choir internship this fall and spring. The choir sang beautifully throughout Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha, including the children on Palm Sunday. Many favorable comments have been received about the choir’s progress under his energetic hand. Zach (pictured with the Choir here, second from left) has been accepted to graduate school at the University of New York-Buffalo, in Classics, no less. But he will be able to remain with us through the summer, so we won’t have to say “goodbye” to him just yet.
The new icon of St. Thomas and St. Constantine is donated in memory of Thomas Spanos (+2012). Memory Eternal! Αἰωνίαἡ μνήμη! The framing around each of the wall icons should be completed in the next week or so, adding a finished look to them all.