From the Rector’s Desk—May 2015

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DSCF3637 From Pascha to Pentecost

This Pascha seemed the most glorious I’ve ever experienced in my priesthood. Joy-filled singing by choir and people resounded. Numbers swelled to 228, one of our greatest attendances ever. Rejoicing continued nigh until dawn. Christ is Risen! Indeed, He is Risen.

(By the way, it seems that the Borough wrote a near record number of parking tickets that night, too. If you have one outstanding, call the church office for information hDSCF3641ow to have the Borough forgive yours.)

On the eighth day, kiddoes enjoyed their annual Thomas Sunday Egg Hunt at Holmes-Foster Park, April 19. Thank you to Deacon Mark for laying all those eggs.

As you read this, I might well be away to help officiate at Katie Radomsky’s wedding in Atlanta. Kind of ages me since Katie was only 8 years old when I arrived at Holy Trinity. Many Years, Katie and Jason!

In other news, we’re wrapping up our Adult Study on the Epistle to the HebrewDSCF3640s: High Priest in Heaven. Your suggestions are welcome as to a topic for our study this coming fall. By the way, it will be conducted weekly, early September until mid-December.

Don’t forget to refresh yourselves at both Midfeast Liturgy on Wednesday, May 6 and Ascension Day, Thursday May 21. These feasts take us into Pentecost, our parish patronal feast: Pascha naturally leads through Midfeast and Ascension to Pentecost.

For everyone new to the parish this year, please accept my personal invitation to join our parish picnic at nearby Holmes-Foster Park, Pentecost Sunday, May 31, from 1-4 p.m. It’s a great day of rejoicing for us all. The church provides the burgers, dogs, and sodas. You are invited to bring anything which complements your idea of picnic fare, from side dishes to desserts.

Pentecost begins a three day feast of the Holy Trinity, with the Holy Spirit commemorated with the Divine Liturgy the next day (Monday, 8 a.m.). As such, it is our Chapel’s patronal feast as well. To celebrate, we will receive a special offering for the Chapel’s building fund on Pentecost Sunday. Please be generous as our Chapel commences construction. I hope this will become a regular Pentecost-Holy Spirit Day tradition.

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