New Church Year Brings New Ministries

Ever since our Lord entered the synagogue to announce His mission to mankind, September has been a time of new beginnings for Christians. Following suit here at Holy Trinity, this New Church Year brings with it several new ministries:

  • The Adult Study Group meets first and second Tuesdays, 7 p.m. in the Parish Hall (see story, page 1).
  • The Cantors ministry will conduct monthly work-shops (Second Saturdays, 4 p.m.) to give liturgical readers a dedicated time for training and fellowship.
  • To give everyone in the parish an opportunity to eat together, we will have a Parish Potluck after the last Sunday liturgy of the month. Bring a dish or dessert to share. (Coffee Hour hosts will furnish drinks.)
  • A new ministry for 18- to 35-year-olds, the Young Adult Fellowship will kick off with a picnic lunch on Saturday, September 17 at noon at Circleville Park. There will be volleyball, badminton, Ultimate Frisbee, and soccer. No need to bring anything; kids welcome.

Visit for more information.


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