“Come and see!”
Classes are free and open to all!
Inquirers, catechumens, or anyone interested in learning the very basic principles of Orthodox Christianity are invited to join on Wednesday nights at 7pm starting September 18th.
Bring your questions about Christianity – no matter how silly they seem! The speaker will answer them in a setting specifically designed for newcomers.
Classes can serve as a perfect bridge point for introducing our friends and neighbors to the Orthodox faith. With a whole new cast of instructors, sessions will be taught in rotation by Pdn. Mark Oleynik, Anna Stickles, and Gary Cattell, with Fr. Ignatius doing the instruction for the final session.
Sept 18 – The Orthodox Doctrine of God
Sept 25 – Introduction to Orthodox Worship
Oct 2 – The Saving Work of Jesus Christ
Oct 9 – “How do I ‘get saved?’”
Oct 16 – The Bible, Scripture, and Tradition
Oct 23 – A Timeline of Church History
Oct 30 – Mary, the Saints, and the Veneration of Icons
Nov 6- Orthodox Practices of Piety
Nov 13 – Orthodox Ethics & Conclusion