On Christmas Eve beginning at 4:30 p.m., the parish will sponsor a traditional Holy Supper and everyone is invited.
(The custom of the “holy supper” comes from central Europe and parts of Russia and provided the family a time to gather and share the last meal of the Fast prior to attending the evening liturgical services.)
There are traditionally twelve Lenten foods served (representing the twelve Apostles) such as barley, honey, stewed prunes, pierogi, sauerkraut, potatoes, garlic, Lenten bread, and mushroom soup.
Please consider preserving (or starting) this family tradition by attending and sharing with your parish family a favorite Lenten food.
Sign up in the Parish Hall or online so that we may have an accurate count. Also, please email Mka. Kelly Oleynik if you have any questions and/or would like to assist with this event.