VBS 2018: What’s the Manner?

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VBS 2018: What's the Manner?

When was the last time you visited someone’s house and they washed your hands and feet? Do you eat your meals without the benefit of knives, forks, spoons, napkins, or plates? Do you regularly pull a couch up to the table and have supper with your family? Have you seen the borough’s city gates on the outside of town? Where is the threshing floor in your house?

These may sound like strange questions in today’s world but if you lived in Biblical times you probably wouldn’t think twice when answering. We who live among the green and pleasant hills of Pennsylvania are not apt to appreciate certain biblical pictures and refer-ences for their full significance. Our social organizations,our climate, and our occupations are among the many factors which tend to reduce our appreciation of what we read in the Bible and how life was lived in ancient times. The manners and customs of the Bible are as different from ours as,

“… the east is from the west. They sit when you stand; they lie when you sit; they do to the head what you do to the feet; they use fire when you use water; you shave the beard and they shave the head; you move the hat, they touch the breast … you go out to take a walk, they go up to enjoy the fresh air…”

— James Freeman, The East and the West, 1854

To a child, learning the Scriptures can be demanding enough, but trying to contextualize the many ancient and foreign notions is a completely different challenge. That’s why our Vacation Bible School (VBS) theme this year is “What’s the Manner?” Through the study of biblical manners and customs, including such things as home life, food, clothing, music, farming, plants, etc., Scripture will come to life as VBS paints a vivid picture of the culture, enhancing the students’ understanding.

This year’s VBS will be conducted June 18-21 from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. beginning with a light dinner each evening. (The schedule has been compressed to make it more fun and faster-paced; there will be no session on Friday this year.) All students four (4) years of age through rising sixth graders are encouraged to attend. 

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