Training Table Basics: What Christians Need to Compete –
Students Learn about a Healthy Spiritual Diet
State College, PA – Today, Holy Trinity VBS students learned that you are what you eat. If someone wants to be a great athlete, he or she must eat a balanced diet from the five food groups. He or she must also avoid junk food. Some foods are unhealthy and can cause heart problems. Others foods help to build bones and muscles.
In much the same way, the students explored five “spiritual” food groups:
- The Spoken Word (Romans 10:17) We hear it. We grow spiritually as others preach and teach.
- The Written Word (1 Tim. 4:13) We read it. We grow spiritually as we read the Bible.
- The Living Word (John 6:35-51) We see it. We grow spiritually as we see Christ’s example.
- The Learned Word (Psalm 119:11) We know it. We grow spiritually as we memorize and learn scripture.
- The Personalized Word (2 Cor. 3:2-3) We live it. We grow spiritually as we start doing the things the Bible instructs us we should do and quit doing the things it tells us we shouldn’t do.
It’s not good enough to know the “spiritual” but how to deal with these if we are to grow in Christ.
- Look at it – Doesn’t help us much.
- Taste it – Try to understand a little of it.
- Digest it – Try to understand much of it.
- Use it – Apply the things we understand.
What’s in the Book?
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes even his own life — he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26)
To be a great athlete, one must be committed to his/her sport. You have to love it. If you want to be the best you must give it your best effort. This scripture does not mean you must actually hate your parents, family, and yourself, but that your love for Christ must be so much stronger than your love for them that it is like the difference between love and hate. Christ must be your first priority. When you have to make decisions, Christ must be first! Christ must be more important to you than even yourself.
To some Christ means nothing, to others Christ means something, and to others Christ means everything. What does Christ mean to you?
FPO – For Parents Only
Don’t forget that TOMMOROW (Wednesday) there will be Vespers at 5:00 p.m. Bring your kids early for worship (dinner will be served following).