Truth or Consequences: Students learn truth is not what is seems but what it is
State College, PA — When it comes to tough choices, Holy Trinity VBS students learned that not everything comes easy and that we often find ourselves struggling and challenged to do what is right.
The students picked up the story as Edmund reluctantly returns to the wardrobe and the Old Professor’s house. Lucy was so happy to find someone who believed her story because he was there, but when they caught up with their older siblings, Edmund betrayed her and said the whole story was still a figment of her imagination.
Finally, a day came that would convince Peter and Susan once and for all who was telling the truth—Lucy or Edmund. It so happened that some visitors came to the old historic house for a tour and all four children were told to stay out of the way. They decided to play upstairs, and when they heard the visitors coming up, the children hid in the old wardrobe. Instantly they found themselves in the dark woods of Narnia. When Edmund directs them to the lamp-post, Peter and Susan realize that he had, in fact, been there before.
Once in Narnia, Lucy wanted to introduce everyone to her friend, Mr. Tumnus, but when they reached his small house he was gone. With no idea where to find the castle, they asked a beautiful, bright, red-breasted robin for guidance. She set out leading the way until eventually they met the Beavers. They were to be the chilren’s guide to a special place to meet Aslan.
At the mention of Aslan’s name, with no idea just exactly who Aslan was, each child had a curious reaction. Edmund felt terrified, Peter felt brave and adventurous, Susan felt as if some delicious smell or beautiful music had just floated by her, and Lucy got the feeling you have when it’s the beginning of a vacation or summer.
Meet the Characters
Aslan (which means lion in Turkish) — Jesus Christ. He is the creator of Narnia. He symbolizes Jesus Christ and the power of good. Queen Jadis, the White Witch (Lucifer) — who rules Narnia, represents the power of Satan or evil in the world.
What’s in the Book
The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours. — Luke 4:5-7
“It is a lovely place, my house,” said the Queen. “I am sure you would like it. There are whole rooms full of Turkish Delight, and what’s more, I have no children of my own. I want a nice boy who I can bring up as prince and who would be King of Narnia when I am gone. While he was Prince he would wear a gold crown and eat Turkish Delight all day long; and you are much the cleverest and handsomest young man I’ve ever met. I think I would like to make you Prince-some day, when you bring the others to visit me.” — The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, p. 30
FPO—For Parents Only
- Don’t forget that TOMMOROW (WEDNESDAY) there will be Vespers at 5:00 p.m. Bring your kids early for worship (dinner will be served following).
Learn More
For more recaps and pictures, visit the 2014 Vacation Bible School homepage.