Participants Nearing Capacity — But Ready for More
STATE COLLEGE, PA — Vacation Bible School students continued to fill their spiritual baskets by adding their bounty the study of fruits of goodness and faithfulness. These fruits were found to be a natural source of energy and give the body the very nutrients they need to keep going and growing in the image of Christ. A key point in today’s session was the discovery that the larger and more abundant the fruit of the Spirit, the stronger and more mature the person becomes. With that in mind, there is high expectation that all the students will become grand champions.
Goodness — Do the Right Thing
Today VBS participants learned that goodness is really a call to action. This fruit leads us to give of ourselves extravagantly in service to others and to doing what is right. It is something we can’t hide since it is an outward and energized expression. Jesus showed goodness when he cleansed the Temple and drove out those who were not honoring the Father (outwardly and energetically).
An example of goodness can be seen in the way different people help those in need — even in a simple offering of a glass of water to a thirsty passerby. One person may give the water because they should — they are obedient. Another person provides the water so they can feel good about themselves. But a person who gives the water with the strong and sincere desire to do the right thing is acting out of goodness.
I’ve Got the Music in Me
VBS students have been learning many new songs this year (along with a few old favorites). Ask your favoring VBSer to sing a few songs for you and see how many fruits you can pick out!
You Gotta Have Faith!
If you looked in the dictionary, you would find a technical definition of faith stated as, “To follow through with a commitment regardless of difficulty.” Faithfulness is essential to the success of any faithfulness of their subjects. Public figures rise of fall deepening on the faithfulness of their supporting public. Officers in the armed forces depend upon the faithfulness of those who serve under them.
Faithfulness means that no matter what happens you will rejoice in the Lord. Maybe everything will go wrong. Maybe there is no job, no income, no house to live in; sickness comes, trials come, disappointment overwhelms, the bottom drops out, and everything is a mess. But no matter what, you will serve the Lord. This is the kind of faithfulness that God is asking for. This is the kind of faithfulness that God will bless.
FPO — For Parents Only
Everyone knows that the secret to a successful crop is the care and feeding of that crop. As a parent, it is your responsibility to check on your crop each and every day to ensure that they have everything that is needed to ensure proper growth (spiritual and physical).