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Summer Potluck this Sunday

All are invited to participate in a parish potluck after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 1 to celebrate the official beginning of summer and the end of the Apostles’ Fast, which ends this week. Bring your favorite summer dish to share with our guests! Drinks will be provided by the parish.

Annual Blini Luncheon: A Cheesefare Tradition

Join us in the Parish Hall following this Sunday’s Divine Liturgy for a delicious pancake breakfast provided by the church. Bring your favorite blini toppings to share, along with cheese, herring and/or caviar, for that last “splurge” before Lent begins. All are invited. There is no charge.

Coffee Hour Ministry Seeking Volunteer Coordinator

If you have a knack for organization, prayerfully consider serving as Coffee Hour Coordinator. This ministry head is responsible for creating and maintaining a schedule of volunteers who take turns hosting our fellowship time in the Parish Hall on Sundays following the Divine Liturgy. New and returning hosts are also being sought for the next rotation that begins in July. Volunteers assist this valuable ministry by complementing bagels provided by the parish with light snacks and refreshments, as well as cleaning up afterwards. If you are interested, please complete this form.

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