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Church School Children Present Charity Fundraiser Proceeds to Housing Transitions

On Tuesday, April 19, a team of children met with Ron Quinn, Executive Director of Housing Transitions ministry news, a State College nonprofit corporation offering housing services to Centre County residents in need. The children, members of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church School, personally delivered funds they raised through their own charity community luncheon.

Their luncheon, aptly entitled “SOUPer Sunday,” was held March 27 and featured a variety of homemade soups prepared by the children. The Church school students were also responsible for serving and hosting the meal, at which a free-will offering was accepted. All proceeds from thefundraiser (which raised just shy of $700) were allotted to Housing Transitions and the Food Bank of the State College Area. Both recipient organizations were specifically selected by the children.

The church school students, aged 4-14, came up with the idea of serving our area charities after studying the Orthodox Christian observance of Great Lent. The 40-day period of preparation for Holy Week and Easter, which ended for Orthodox Christians last Friday, is a time for increased prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. It begins with a reflection of Jesus Christ’s words recorded in the gospel of Matthew (chapter 25, verses 31-46) exhorting Christians to offer compassion and service to those in need:

“…for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in…”

Extra Scoops: April 2011

Many Thanks

Thank you to all of those who attended and supported our recent Soup-er Sunday luncheon for the homeless and hungry of our community. We also extend our gratitude to everyone who purchased Gertrude Hawk candy (and especially to Mark and Leslyn Radomsky for once again chairing the fundraiser).

Sshhh… Learning Going On!

Our Parish Hall is used for many activities and the hour before the Sunday liturgy is a busy time down there. This can sometimes distract the students and make it difficult to hear. If you are in the hall during class time, please be considerate. You may want to consider going upstairs to the Matins service for quiet prayer and worship in preparation for the Eucharist.

First Confession

After nearly eight weeks of preparation, six of our young Christians will be making their first confession on Lazarus Saturday. Please pray for Julia Rush, Joelle Rush, Daryel Stickles, Sophia Biberdorf, Nicolai Pelikan, and Benjamin Oleynik as they enter into this sacrament for the first time.

Vacation Bible School Dates Set

The week of June 13-17, 2011, will be a week of learning, fellowship and fun for our students as we conduct our annual Vacation Bible School. Mark your calendars!


Students to Serve Soup For Charity

Our Church School students will be hosting a Lenten luncheon this Sunday following the Divine Liturgy.  Students will be responsible for preparing, serving, and hosting the meal.  All proceeds from the free-will offering will be given to the local charities of Housing Transitions and the Food Bank of the State College Area, which were selected by our children. All students are needed on Saturday at 4 p.m. to prepare for the luncheon (preparing foods, setting tables, preparing silverware, etc.). See you there!

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