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Thank you! SOUP-er Sunday Success

We would like to extend a big Thank You for Making SOUP-er Sunday a success!

We are truly overwhelmed by the incredible support and generosity shown at our recent SOUP-er Sunday luncheon! Thanks to all of you who attended and contributed, we were able to raise an astounding $3,702 for Project Mexico! A significant step toward our $6,000 Matthew 25 drive goal this lent!

A special shoutout goes to our amazing Sunday school students (and parents/teachers) who not only crafted delicious soups but also served up smiles to all our guests. 🍲

We also want to extend a thank you to Wegman’s and Weiss for their invaluable support and contributions. Your partnership helped make this event a success.

Project Mexico is an Orthodox Christian charitable organization that operates in the vicinity of Tijuana, Mexico. Project Mexico operates a boy’s orphanage that helps raise around 25 orphaned or abandoned boys (at any given time). They also run an extensive homebuilding program to provide housing for some of the poorest and most vulnerable families in their area, as well as running a rescue orphanage for abandoned infants. It is our hope to raise at least $6000 this year to support Project Mexico, which is enough to feed all of the admittedly-voracious, mostly teenage boys for 6 weeks or to build one housing unit for a family in need.

Fr. Ignatius to Lead Virtual Church School Sessions

Father Ignatius is meeting virtually with the Sunday School this week at three age-specific times: 

Students will have an opportunity to ask Father questions and learn how to they can make their own “sacrifice of praise” before their home altars. Both children and adults can continue to refer to the Reader’s Services and many other resources posted at  

All Services Suspended through March 31

His Eminence Archbishop Melchisedek has issued a directive that effective immediately all parishes of the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania are to immediately cease all services, activities, social gatherings, etc. with the exception of the following: 

Each parish priest may open his church on the coming two Saturday afternoons (March 21 and March 28) for two to three hours of his choosing for the faithful to come and offer a private prayer and light candles. While we are not encouraging people to do this in light of the governmental guidelines, it is realized some people will gain much strength from this visit. It is imperative that people in high-risk categories (i.e., senior citizens/individuals with on-going health problems/people not feeling well currently) not consider this act. Individuals are reminded to maintain “social distancing” during this visit and avoid interacting with large numbers of people.

Holy Trinity’s “open houses” as described above are 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. this Saturday and next.  

His Eminence’s directives go on to say:

Except for so-called “death-bed confessions,” confessions are suspended until this period of time has concluded. (This, of course, does not preclude informal spiritual discussions between our priests and our parish penitents via the phone and emails…) 

You can reach the parish’s clergy through the Parish Office—814-231-2855 (phone); (text/email)—which remains open with as regular hours as possible should a need arise in our parish family or the broader community. While routine pastoral visits are to cease per His Eminence’s directives, our clergy, following proper personal safety protocols, are still available to you to respond to any emergency situation requiring immediate pastoral attention.

Attached is a service that can be prayed by the faithful of the Archdiocese regularly in front of their prayer corners concerning this virus. The Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Ellwood City, while closed to visitors during this period as per Holy Synod directives concerning all OCA monasteries, will probably continue to live-stream the monastery’s services; their web address for more info is:

The work of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church continues even though we cannot gather as Christ’s people. With Fr. Ignatius’ blessing Matthew 25 met virtually earlier today with the deacons to postpone the Lion’s Pantry Drive and Soup-er Sunday to the Sundays of October, but will continue to offer immediate assistance to the State College Food Bank and other charities. We will have more on this in letters to the parish and in the April Trisagion, but in the meantime, please remember the parish through your stewardship if you are able.

Related: Official Announcement on the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh website

Join us at the March for Life

Help fill our van to the 47th Annual March for Life!

HolyTrinity and the Chapel of the Holy Spirit are currently accepting reservations by email through this Wednesday for the annual one-day pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. Our vans depart Friday, January 24 at 6:30 a.m., and return around 10 p.m. College students and youth are especially encouraged to attend. As in previous years, all costs are covered by the parish.

Sunday is Sanctity of Life Sunday

The Holy Synod has designated this Sunday as Sanctity of Life Sunday in all of the parishes of the Orthodox Church in America. You can read His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon’s proclamation of life ahead of the 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States.

However, the best way to witness life is by attending the January 24 March for Life in Washington D.C. with your fellow brothers and sisters from Holy Trinityand the Chapel. All expenses will be covered by the parish; simply bring a packed lunch or money for food and/or souvenirs. For more information or to RSVP, email

Register Online for Sunday School

Sunday School Class of 2019.

Sunday School begins on September 15, 2019. We look forward to sharing the teachings and Tradition of the Church to build a firm foundation for our students to lead a life in God’s image. Sunday School supplements and reinforces the work of our parents in the Christian formation of their children. Many thanks to our staff of dedicated teachers for their ministry each week throughout the year!

Holy Trinity has five classrooms for students in Kindergarten through the twelfth grade. Please enroll your child by completing the online form below. Submit one form for each child, please.

Sunday School 2019-2020

Online Registration Form
(Please submit a separate form for each child you wish to enroll.)


Youth Pascha Workshop This Saturday!

On Lazarus Saturday (March 31), our Church School is sponsoring a free Pascha preparation workshop for children of all ages. There will be a variety of activities, including baking, crafts, and egg-dying. Bring the whole family!

Join Holy Trinity at the 2019 March for Life

Help fill our vans for the 46th annual March for Life!

Holy Trinity and the Chapel of the Holy Spirit are currently accepting reservations in the Narthex and by email for the annual one-day pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. in support of the unborn. Our vans will depart Friday, January 18 at 6:30 a.m., and return around 10 p.m. RSVPs are required by Tuesday, January 15 so appropriate transportation can be secured.

College students and youth (with their parents) are especially encouraged to attend. As in previous years, all transportation costs are fully sponsored by Holy Trinity.

January 22, 2019 marks the 46th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States, and Orthodox Christians from across the US will be among those gathering in the US Capital on Friday, January 18 to participate in the annual March for Life. 

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon will join other Orthodox Christian hierarchs, seminarians, and clergy and faithful from around the country in the annual March, which will conclude with the celebration of
Memorial Prayers for the victims of abortion near the US Capital.

The theme of this year’s March is “Unique from Day One.”

The March will begin at noon on the grounds of the Washington Monument. The delegation from Holy Trinity and the Chapel with gather with fellow Orthodox Christian participants at the “Orthodox
Christians for Life” banner, which will be prominently displayed to the right of the stage near Constitution Avenue, between 15th and 17th Streets North West. Metropolitan Tikhon and other hierarchs will be
present on the stage for the opening prayers and presentations prior to the March.

Metropolitan Tikhon also will offer the benediction at the annual Rose Banquet on the evening of the March. General information on the March and the banquet—including details on making reservations—is available on the March for Life web site. Information on Orthodox Christians for Life is also available.

Bring Your Foreparent Icons this Sunday

All parishioners named for an Old Testament saint are reminded to bring their forefather/foremother icons to Vespers on Saturday or Sunday morning. Holy Trinity will place your icons in the Nave in celebration of the Sunday of the Forefathers as these are the ancestors of Christ according to the flesh, who lived before the Law and under the Law, especially the Patriarch Abraham, to whom God said, “In thy seed shall all of the nations of the earth be blessed” (Gen. 12:3, 22:18).

Come all who love the feast, let us praise in psalms the assembly of the Forefathers: Adam, our first Father, Enoch, Noah,Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and those who came after the  Law: Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Samuel and David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, and with them the Twelve Prophets: Elijah, Elisha, and all the rest, Zachariah and John the Baptist: all those who proclaimed  Christ, the Life and Resurrection of the human race!

Sunday School Caroling Takes Place Tonight

The Church School will be Christmas caroling on the streets of downtown State College tonight, Friday, December 14 (tomorrow). Participants will begin with a light meal at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall and will warm themselves with a cup of hot chocolate upon their return from caroling. The event will conclude before 8:00 p.m.

This is a family event (friends are welcome also!). Parents are invited to join their children this year in sharing the Good News of Christ’s birth. Don’t forget to dress warmly and bring flashlights and bells if you have them.

For more information, contact Dn. Mark Oleynik, Director of Christian Education.

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