Extra Scoops: July 2011

Goal Setting

Have you set and achieved any of your summer goals? It’s still not too late to study a book of the Bible, perform a charity project or do something special for the needy, memorize an entire Psalm (or a couple), or attend a full cycle of services for an entire week or two.

A Few Good Men and Women

We are blessed to have a growing Sunday School. In order to accommodate this, we also need a growing staff. Last year we introduced a new class level (a separate class for grades 2-5). If possible, we would like to add one more class to allow for more focused instruction in the elementary grades. For each class, we really need to have at least two teachers to share the responsibility and workload, provide coverage when one teacher is away, and promote creativity and synergy among the teams. If you would like to be part of the Church School staff and grow your faith, please see Deacon Mark. Our first teachers’ meeting of the school year will be on Saturday, August 27, at 5 p.m.

Back to School

Our first day is September 11. We will start the year with special prayers for all of our students and teachers for the beginning of instruction. Parents of returning students will receive information by e-mail; new students can be registered beginning August 21 following the Divine Liturgy.


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