Now is the Time
We resume Sunday School on September 11. All students and parents are asked to be in attendance on that day as we will begin the year with special prayers for the beginning of instruction immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
Everyone Say “Cheese!”
After the Divine Liturgy on September 25 the Sunday School will take our annual group picture. Every student’s smile is needed!
Feasting Opportunities
This month the Church celebrates two (2) major feasts. On September 8, we commemorate the Nativity of the Theotokos followed by the Elevation of the Cross on September 14 (which in addition to being a “feast” is also a Strict Fast day). It is understood that these days are school days but state law allows for absence for religious holidays (an signed excuse form is available in the nave of the church). If attendance at the Liturgy is not possible, plan to attend Vespers as a family on the eve of the feast (September 7 and 13, respectively, at 7 p.m.).