by Dn. Mark Oleynik
On Sunday May 22, our Sunday School will conclude the school year. As always the primary objective was to provide weekly instruction on the faith, teachings, and traditions of the Church. In some of the classrooms this was accomplished through the reading and discussion of various Bible stories and festal events while in the other classes there was deeper review of Church practices and discussion of how Orthodox Christians can profess their faith in words and deeds.
Of course, the students were kept busy with an array of extracurricular activities including such things as creating processional banners, attendance at the winter retreat at the Antiochian Village, presenting a Christmas play, hosting the SOUP-er Sunday Charity Luncheon, sled riding at Slab Cabin Park, an icon procession, the Pascha Preparation Workshop on Lazarus Saturday, and an Easter Egg Hunt!
Many thanks to the teachers for their offerings of time and talent, and to the parents and students for their thirst for the Word of God. (In case you are wondering, Sunday School resumes on September 11, 2011.)