Resources for Praying at Home

The following resources are available so Holy Trinity Orthodox Church can continue its mission to Build Up the Church Beyond the Parish, even when its people cannot physically assemble together.

Jump to: Additional Prayer ServicesLive-StreamsVirtual Parish GatheringsParish CommemorationsPastoral and Financial Emergencies

Prayer Services

With the exception of Typika for Lent, Holy Week, and Great Feasts, the following services are oriented for Orthodox Christians on the Gregorian Calendar. For those using the Julian Calendar (“Old Style”), click here.

NOTE: New reader’s services are not being posted after Pentecost 2021.

Additional Prayer Services


Virtual Parish Gatherings

A list of virtual gatherings can now be found at

Parish Commemorations

To stay connected by prayer with your parish family, an updated list of all current and prospective members of Holy Trinity and the Chapel of the Holy Spirit—including their spouses and children—is now available. The list also contains names of departed parishioners (newly-departed and historical), current members of the armed forces, and those who have asked the parish to pray for them.


Pastoral and Financial Emergencies

If you are in need of immediate pastoral assistance (sickness or death of a loved one), or financial assistance through Matthew 25, the Parish Office is remotely open 24 hours a day by calling (814) 231-2855. For non-emergencies, you may email/text

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