Shields Up!
VBS kids say that Faith protects all from the fiery darts of the wicked!
State College, PA — The VBS students began the day worshipping together at Vespers before continuing their preparation for going into spiritual battle. Today was a day to accessorize their armor by putting on the shoes of the Gospel of Peace.
Today we discussed the Shield of Faith and its ability to move and cover weaknesses we have in our lives. Faith is the “substance” and the “evidence” of truth (Hebrews 1:11). It is not to believe that there is a God. It is to know God
Faith is not “what if…” It is who. As in every relationship, there are times when “fiery darts” of fear and doubt pierce us. To quench them, we need one shield: knowing our faith—what we believe about whom.
Our physical activity was a form of dodge ball. The children used shields to protect themselves as we through balls at them. The point was to show how a shield moves to protect weaknesses.
Family Time
Discuss the following questions as a family.
- What is the common understanding of faith?
- What makes the shield different from the other pieces of armor?
- Why would faith be represented by a shield?
- What are some fears and doubts you and your family face?
- How can the Shield of Faith help you overcome that?
Don’t forget to pray as a family.
What’s the Big Idea?
We all have sins and weaknesses in our lives with which we struggle. Sometimes we just fall apart because Satan finds that little weakness in our armor and aims well. The Shield of Faith moves to cover those weaknesses when we don’t have the knowledge or strength to face a situation. Our shield will never fail because God is always faithful to us.
FPO—For Parents Only
- TOMORROW is our last day of VBS. There will be some extra sweet things in the park.
- Don’t forget to memorize our Bible verse with your child.
Learn More
For more recaps, pictures, and information, visit the 2015 Vacation Bible School homepage.