Holy Trinity’s VBS Opens for the Summer
Students Learn That Our Lives Are to Revolve Around Prayer
STATE COLLEGE, PA — Today during the opening session of the Vacation Bible School (VBS) being conducted at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, the students were introduced to the VBS theme of Living in an Orthodox World. This year’s VBS will utilize music to educate and instill a desire for prayer and the liturgical services of the Holy Orthodox Church. Various non-liturgical music will be taught which contain many prayers, hymns, and melodies from the services. This music is a “bridge” for the children to cross over from secular experience to the liturgical worship of the Church.
An essential part of the week will be the participation of the children in the liturgical services about which they will be learning. Some key objectives of the VBS include:
- Communicate that the Church’s most important task is to worship God—the Holy Trinity.
- Encourage an active role (of prayer) in the Church services.
- Teach that our lives should revolve around the prayer life of the Church community.
- Teach and encourage an Orthodox vision of structured personal prayer life.
Students Learn About the Great Litany
As an introduction to a personal prayer life the students learned how to pray not only for themselves but the whole world—God’s creation! This was accomplished by discussing each of the petitions of the Great Litany which is the opening litany for many of our Church services.
Lord, Have Mercy—Again and Again!
Why do we ask for mercy? St. Symeon of Thessalonica answers:
“This intercession is appropriate, since we should not ask for anything but mercy, as we have neither boldness nor access to offer anything as our own, nor to request anything as such So, as sinners and condemned through sin we cannot, nor dare, say anything to our loving Master, except ‘have mercy.'”
Likewise, Paul tells us,
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” — Hebrews 4:16
FPO — For Parents Only
- Question for you to discuss with your child before VBS tomorrow: How is the Great Litany like a ladder?
- On Wednesday, there will be Vespers at 5:00 p.m. Please try to bring your children early so that we can pray together. Dinner and VBS will follow immediately.
- Please be prompt in picking up your child each day at 8:00 p.m. Don’t be late!
Learn More
For more recaps, pictures, and information, visit the 2017 Vacation Bible School homepage.