Rise and Shine!
Students Sing Early Morning Praises
STATE COLLEGE, PA — What a beautiful morning! The second day of Holy Trinity’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) was action packed with learning from the start. The students have really started to get in the groove of understanding how each part of the day has special meaning in the Church and to them.
Todays’ session was focused on the morning services of Matins. Learning points throughout the day emphasized what morning mean to them as Christians. They also discussed the early rising myrrhbearing women who went to the tomb of Jesus. Remembering and praying to God—what a great way to start the day!
Worship—A Full Body Experience
Being a part of the Orthodox Church means we worship not only with our minds
and hearts but also with our whole bodies. When we use our bodies to pray it helps us to “wake up” to God, just like getting out of bed helps us to wake up in the morning. When we use our bodies to pray, it reminds us that our bodies are made for God and that He made our bodies.
Today, the students learned the proper way to make the sign of the cross (see more info below), the different types of kneeling and prostrations, and other physical ways (such as smell and taste) we worship and experience God’s presence. Don’t forget to work with your child so they don’t forget these good habits.
The Sign of the Cross
The sign of the Cross is made with the right hand. The thumb and the next two fingers of the right hand are joined together at their tips to symbolize the Holy Trinity. The other two fingers are pressed down to the palm of the hand, signifying the two natures of Christ, both divine and human.
The movement involves touching the forehead, the upper abdomen, the right shoulder, and then the left shoulder, and praying: “in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” The act is accompanied by an inclination of the head and body.
We mark ourselves with the sign to indicate our acceptance and concurrence with words, prayers, or actions especially in worship. We can make the sign of the Cross whenever we wish, both when we are in Church and when we are elsewhere.
FPO — For Parents Only
- Question for you to discuss with your child before VBS tomorrow: Does your child cross himself/herself before lunch at school?
- Vespers begins @ 5:00 p.m. tomorrow.
Learn More
For more recaps, pictures, and information, visit the 2017 Vacation Bible School homepage.