Students Take a Walk Through a Dark …
VBS Kids say they had no fear of evil!
STATE COLLEGE, PA — Today the VBS students reached the midway point of their week long study adventure of Psalm 23. To start the day the “sheep” attended vespers which was followed by another great day of learning, singing, games, and fun.
Today the students discussed how shepherds lead their sheep to different pastures depending on the time of year. To get to the mountaintops in the summer takes the sheep through the valleys. The valleys can be a dangerous and dark place for sheep.
The students also spent class time learning about how God prepares and takes care of us. Before sheep head to the high country, the shepherd goes ahead—checking out the pastures, pulling out the poisonous weeds, removing any dangerous objects. He brings salt and minerals to set out in the pasture. Only after the table is prepared are the sheep brought in.
Just like the shepherd, we know that Christ goes before us in every situation. Because of all Christ has done—he was tempted as we are, he suffered, he grieved, we are confident that he understands us through and through. Christ has gone before and prepared a table for us—in plain view of our enemies.
What’s the Big Idea?
Today’s verses teach us that no matter what God is always with us, He has all the right tools to help us, and He is a just God.
Can You Repeat That Please?
Here are the verses studied today and the children are expected to memorize:
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”
FPO — For Parents Only
On Thursday we will visit a sheep farm. Please arrive at the church by 4:15 so that we may leave promptly @ 4:30.
- Please pack a dinner for your child.
- The farm team is expecting a drizzle so you may want to pack a jacket.
- Students are to wear shoes or boots (NO flip flops/open toes) as we will be in the fields and barns.
- We should arrive back at the church ~9:30 p.m.
- On Friday, there will be Vespers at 5:00 p.m.. Please try to bring your children early so that we can pray together. Dinner and VBS will follow immediately. Additionally, our bishop will be visiting and will share some “shepherding” stories with the kids.
Learn More
For more recaps, pictures, and information, visit the 2016 Vacation Bible School homepage.